Sunday, January 04, 2009

Ip Man, the movie ...

I spent New Year's Eve a little differently this year. 20 minutes before the clock struck midnight, I was in the cinema, getting comfortable to watch the movie Ip Man, with Donnie Yen playing the main role of the grandmaster. The movie is a semi-biographical account of Yip Man, the first martial arts master to teach the Chinese martial art of Wing Chun.

I enjoyed the movie tremendously and if you get the chance to catch it, please do. Yes there were pretty cool fighting scenes with a touch of humour every now (like his lil kiddo cycling out amidst Ip's fight with an out-towner) and then but there were moments where I got a little emotional too (the revenge scene with the blood rice). I have not seen any of Donnie Yen's movie before this but I thoroughly enjoyed his performance in the movie. Here's the trailer for the movie and hopefully it's enough to tempt you to get the DVD (movie might not be showing still).

Oh yes, there is also Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, a Japanese actor who specialises in Judo, who played the not-so-nice-but-oh-so-cute General Miura. In the movie, when Japan occupied China during the war, there was a duel between the Japanese General and Ip Man and no prizes for guessing who won *grins* Go watch the movie lah!



Blogger Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Uh oh. Your post may just tip the scales for me.... I was wondering if this was good enough to drag myself to the movies for! :)

12:51 am  
Blogger Me, Myself n I said...

*whispers* We watched it a second time over the weekend *grins* Of course watching the first time was still better but second time was watching more of the martial arts part ....

10:10 pm  

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