Sunday, October 23, 2005

Postcrossing - The Postcard Crossing Project

This is a real cool project that I signed up recently called Postcrossing. Here is a little snippet about it.

The goal of this project is to allow people to receive postcards from all over the world, for free. Well, almost. The main line is: if you send a postcard, you'll receive at least one back, from a random postcrosser somewhere in the world.

Why? Because, like the author, there are lots of people who like to receive stuff by mail. If you add to that, the surprise factor of receiving postcards from different places in the world that you probably never heard about, you can turn your mailbox into a little surprise box.

I think it's a neat idea especially if you (a) enjoy getting postcards in this age of emails, (b) like checking out the postcards and stamps from different parts of the world, (c) enjoy sending postcards to other people around the world, (d) don't mind giving your address to perfect strangers! I think there's alot of potential for me to use this project for my geography classes. Probably can sign up as a class, and they will take turns sending out postcards and will have to do research on the countries they get postcards from. Hmm...lots of possibilities.

Anyways, got my first postcard today. Sent one to Germany and another one on the way to Finland. Got one from Netherlands today. Nice surprise cuz you really have no idea where the next postcard will be coming from! :o)


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