Monday, June 12, 2006

Little things I noticed in Sydney

The Australian society in general is made up of people who are very trusting I think. Coming from Singapore, I find this totally amazing. For example, if you are genuinely ill, you don't have to see a doctor if all you need is a day rest at home. In Singapore, you need to produce and medical certificate from a doctor if you are not going to work. And from driving out during my short stay, I was very interested in the parking system in Sydney along the streets. They do have the usual meter that you put in some coins depending on how long you are staying. But I find the other system alot more interesting. You look out for signs which dictates how long you can park at that spot. It can be as short as 5 minutes or as long as 1 hour or 2 hours or 4 hours.

And there are no meters for you to put coins in to pay. So I was told that you can park there and after the time limit, you will come back and move your car. Like ya right! As if I am going to do that!!! But see, that's the difference. This is a Singaporean thinking. There is no meter, there is no one watching. Who is going to know right? Right! So I spent the next 20 minutes going on about what a flawed system this was to an Australian who patiently listened to me as I go on and on.

I was told that the new system actually uses a camera to capture the cars and when the parking authories come by again and if the cars are there, they get booked. I didn't see that happen during my short stay there. And the old system is the parking people come around and randomly pick cars and indicate the time that they were there. And when they come by again, and if the car is still there, you get a ticket.
So I had a mission. I had to find out how effective this system was.

So I kept my eyes wide open and I did spot a car with a ticket!!! Yay!!! Though not so yay for the driver :o)

And I went around to look for the marking and the system didn't fail. I found the markings! This photograph was taken at about 3 plus in the afternoon and it was an hour limit parking. And if you can make out the marking, it was for 11.45am. So that car owner was really taking the risk thinking that s/he could get away with it. Either that or s/he was just damn unlucky to be the selected car for this :o)

Yeah, this rambling may sound really silly but this really tickled me pink. And I guess it takes very little to amuse me. Another thing is this funny sign that I saw when on the road. First time I saw it was on the highway. If you see this sign, you should be very worried cuz you are going the wrong way and you should be seeing cars heading towards you.

It got me thinking. If I was the driver, driving on the wrong road..which would I see first. Loads of car coming my way or this sign *grins* And I thought it would be more appropriate if the sign said 'Oooops' or 'Oh boy, you are SO in trouble!' or 'Good luck you!' Oh well, that's in my warp world where road signs are made by people with a great sense of humour.

Alrighty, enough ramblings from me. For now at least :o)


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