Monday, November 07, 2005

Bloody sore eyes ...

Yes, I am not as invicible as I thought I was. My Dad was strike by the contagious sore eyes just before Hari Raya and I thought after two weeks and no sign of my eyes swelling and getting all teary and bloodshot red, I was clear of it. And was thinking to my self all the talk of sore eyes spreading within the same household - not in this household!

Yes it's retribution for being so bloody arrogant. Am strike down by sore eyes and on MC for two days. Not very good timing cuz heaps of stuff that needs to be done at work this week *sighs*

Armed with two types of eye drops, I am pretty lost as to what I can do. I was to sew some but it hurts. Reading also hurts. Can't stay online for too long cuz the glare from the screen hurts. Can't do any reports (which are like oh so over due) cuz of blurred vision. So what am I suppose to do...what do people do when they are down with sore eyes? Can't go out cuz risk spreading it *sighs*

Anyways, just one last thing before I go off. Went to Sue's (Key Elements) performance 'Jazz @ the Movies' at Victoria Concert Hall last night and it was awesome. Pearly, Melinder, Karen and I enjoyed ourselves plus we threw in a nice dinner at Dharma's kebabs at Boat Quay before the concert. It was a lovely evening and should definitely have more of such evenings! Go check out Key Elements website and check out the talented people in the group! :o)


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