Tuesday, November 01, 2005

How to pee standing up - for ladies!

Alrighty, this might not be something new to some of you out there but I am a pretty traditional girl and didn't even think it was possible for us to pee standing up without a mess. But today thanks to Slawek who shared a site that had instructions on how us ladies can pee standing up - either using the finger-assist method or using a gadget called the TravelMate.

How how did we get to the topic of girls peeing standing up. Well he showed me a picture of a toilet at Sofitel in Brisbane (sorry, but have problems loading the picture up). Anyways we started talking about ladies and how we pee and I was explaining how we multi-task when we sit and pee. Like it's an excellent time to touch up on make up ya..why waste time *laughs*

Anyways, that was how the topic came up. Now why would we want to pee standing up? Well think about those times when u are forced to use filthy loos in pubs or when travelling. Think about it, when you've mastered the art of peeing standing up, you won't have any problems in such toilets. And you won't have to wipe the seats cuz some fool decided to balance herself on the toilet seat and leave behind her shoeprints on where you're suppose to sit your bum. Bloody rude people but they do exist.

So go ahead and try it out and let me know if it works. Might have to do some modification but loads of ladies out there have done it so why not us! *grins* Happy peeing ladies and don't forget to wash your hands when done!

For those who are too lazy to head to the website, have copied the instructions here for your reading pleasure.

Finger-Assisted Method:
  1. Raise the toilet seat.
  2. Wash or wipe your hands clean with a moist towellette.
  3. Adjust clothing. Pants should be pulled down in front a few inches. Skirts should be lifted. Underwear should be pulled down at the waistband or move the fabric at the crotch to one side.
  4. Wipe your labia area clean.
  5. Using either hand, make a “V” with your first and second finger and spread the inside of your labia minora. (the INNER lips) Beginners may want to try using the fingers from both hands for better control.
  6. Lift to the desired angle, then pee. (If you don’t spread and lift, it could run down your leg.)
  7. Wipe your labia if necessary.
  8. Return the toilet seat to its original position.
  9. Wash your hands and you’re done!
The TravelMate comes with a tapestry or denim carrying case. Like the look of the tapestry one. This is what it says on the site:
A denim or tapestry carrying case, lined on the inside with water-resistant nylon is also available for the TravelMate. Easy access Velcro closure helps keep the device clean. The case is large enough to hold two TravelMates, two tampons, or one of each. A belt loop is included on the denim case for hikers.
How convenient! They have it pretty much covered I guess.


Blogger 3A Gurl said...

harrows...great stuff...

9:20 am  
Blogger Me, Myself n I said...

thank you thank you :o)

6:41 pm  

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