Saturday, October 08, 2005

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty .....

After looking at the ladies and their cute toys, I decided to try my hand at it to see if I could create a cute cuddly toy myself. It took me about 6 hours to complete it. It's not perfect but it's a start. Am going to get my little nephew to take it out for a 'test drive' and see what happens at the end of it.

Things I had to take note of:
1. No buttons or any embellishment that could fall off or something small that kids could bite off and be in danger of choking.

2. Materials should not run as kids (especially little ones) have a tendency to put everything they get their little fingers on straight into their mouths (confirmed by personal observations of Mirzah).

Had a quality inspector (that is, my Dad) check the toy and he gave it a thumbs up! So yay, here's my first toy (not perfect but....) and hope there will be many more in the future!!


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