Saturday, September 17, 2005

Thank God Friday is Over!

Am glad that Friday is finally over. Am tired mentally and physically. Got up at 6 a.m. and got to work by 6.45 a.m. My morning routine is so practised that I do it without any thought. It's very mechanical and I guess that is good cuz at 6 a.m. my brain is not fully awake so forget about trying to solve all the world's problem at that hour! Am not a morning person. I am awful and horrid to be with in the morning. And knowing that, 7 years ago I picked a job that required me to be up and about at such ungodly hour. This is my punishment for my stupidity *sighs*

Anyways, back to Friday. Day spent on work work work and in the evening, I was involved in the Mooncake & Lantern Festival at work. Had to deal with about 200 kids with the help of another colleague. We had to make sure the kids were fed and entertained and that they didn't try to burn down the building with their lanterns and sparklers. Some boys decided to decorate a papaya tree that was struggling to grow with about 15 sparklers and for fun lit all the sparklers at the same time. I must be really old cuz I did not agree with them that their actions were done for 'fun'. To me, their stunt was stupid and reckless and the poor papaya tree suffered some burnt leaves and hopefully will survive that ordeal.

Day finally ended at 9.20 p.m. when I finally left work after shoo-ing the last kid out. Right now all I want to do is just sleep but am so tired that I can't sleep.

Anyways, checked my email after dinner (at 10.30 p.m.) and bro sent a video clip of my lil nephew who has started to crawl. He is the cutest kiddo I have ever seen and pretty cool how he can crawl ala commando style around the house.

Also got an email with this:

Yes, this is how my left eye looks like. Recently had my eyes checked to make sure everything is okay. And results came back good - no abnormalies. Am more intrigued by how the eye actually looks. Never paid much attention when I studied Biology in school so this is all new for me. Yes to some it looks gross but I find it ... cool!

Also managed to update my 'photoblog'. I love this website. I use it to put up pictures from my travels, the jewellery that I make...basically everything and anything.

Alrighty, this is too hard to do right now when my mind is totally blank.


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