Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Just a few more days to the end of the week ...

It's probably weird to be thinking about the weekend when we just had one a couple of days ago but these few months (i.e. April and a little into May) have been rather crazy for me. Weekends were busy for me this time round. Renae, the tarot card lady, did say that these few months will be hectic. I had to complete a series of assignments. The first big 'assignment' was intense and I ended up with huge pounding headaches at the end of each day. That was followed by a feedback session which was okay. Was advised on areas to work on and was given a thick book to read. Right. Will get down to that as soon as I have time. Too bad they don't have Cliff Notes for such things cuz it would be alot faster going through them pages.
Then these last three weeks have been another 'assignment'. I am thinking right now that I would be VERY happy to be a tai tai living in Hougang, baking and doing housework *laughs* As to how long I can do that for, I dunno but right now, it sure sounds real attractive.
I guess am going through this process where I am thinking about what I want in life, what is important in my life and what I am willing to give up to get what I want in life. I don't have the answers just yet. And I dunno if I will ever find the answers.
It's back to writing the report. Just had to vent some and what better way to vent than blog about it :o)


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