Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Some pondering ....

Had a bit of a disappointing day today and though I know I should have expected this to happen eventually, I was still hoping that it wouldn't happen and that the person wouldn't disappoint me. But the person did. I believe that if I am kind to others, others will be kind to me. I believe that if I do good to others, there will be others who will do the same for me.
And the sad thing is that some people claim that they have your best interest at heart but when your back is turn, they do something to hurt you instead. I do wonder why they would do something like that...
Anyways, the best thing that I can do for myself is not let this incident get me down but rather to just move on and be more careful when I am around this person. I hate having to watch my every move or every word I utter. It's just not me. Right now, moving myself away from this source of disappointment, and in a way frustration is not an option. At least not yet. But I think everyone has their own limit and I hope that when the time comes, I have the courage to do what I need to do ....


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