Sunday, April 05, 2009

The Dancer ...

The last few hours have been spent looking for a nice picture/illustration that I could use to cover my pink laptop. I have several ideas in mind. One includes having a field of sunflowers, another idea is to have a belly dancer as part of the image (yes, I still love the dance and would like to go back to it someday), another image I have in mind would be a mermaid and another one of a lake scene with a majestic moose *laughs* yes, for those of you who don't know this - I have a soft spot for them goofy moose (one goose, many geese, one moose many meese? *grins*). Fell in love with them moose when I visited Sweden many many many years back.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not looking for an image with a moose, mermaid, field of sunflowers and belly dancer all in one. Will pick one of these to be printed out.
While I was googling, I came across this beautiful piece called The Dancer by Maximunki and the artist was inspired by the gorgeous tribal belly dancer Rachel Brice (am a huge fan of her too). For more cool artwork by other talented artists, pop over to deviantArt. As to what I am going to have pasted onto my laptop .... haven't made up my mind yet so will continue to google some more!


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