Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fetish for fives ....

It all started with my friend Karen who introduced me to the world of fives *grins* What am I talking about? Let me explain. She loves these fives and would happily change when we used to collect payments and had them fives. She just likes using them. It was only a few years later that I started but as some of you may know, I tend to get carried away and instead of using them fives, I started collecting them. It started out as something how many fives can I get. And then I collected my first batch that added up to $500. Then I thought that's pretty cool and it would be even better if I could make it to $1000 fives.
And it grew and grew and others helped to look out for fives for me. And thanks to contributions from Slawek too, I managed to collect a total of *drum roll* $5,000. It took us about a year to get to that amount! Pretty not bad ya. It became a fun savings plan for me cuz I am really bad when it comes to that.
We went to the bank today and the banker was very amused when she took out the fives. She said that I had them in perfect piles and she used the counting machine to check. Didn't want to tell her that perfect to me would be if I had sorted the plastic from the paper fives. But that will be for the next round. She asked why fives and of course I had the pleasure of telling her how it all started.
Only thing about the paper fives is that they get icky and damp after a while eventhough I kept them in ziplock bags in a dry room. So this is something that I have to figure. And you'll be amazed how FILTHY the paper notes can be. We actually saw dust go flying when she was counting the fives using the counting machine.
Am starting on the next $1000. Have about 14 pieces to date and if you have any, go ahead and send them my way *grins*
Oh yes, that's a new sock monkey that I made recently. Any guess what it's suppose to be?



Blogger Bernadette Chua said...

Very interesting "hobby" Liz!! Just as unique as all your craft work and you! enJOY your new exciting phase of life!

6:46 pm  

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