Thursday, March 13, 2008

A weekend getaway ....

I was in Bangkok and Kanchanaburi for about four days including the weekend but it wasn't for leisure but rather for work. It has been awhile since I was last in Bangkok ... I think the last time I was there was in 2005 so it was nice being back and it reminded me why I should go back real soon - to EAT, SHOP and go for MASSAGES galore!!!

I was fortunate enough to visit an interesting community cum school in Kanchanaburi called Moo Baan Dek where children who are either orphans, or come from poor or abused families live and study. I had a little walk around the school with one of the ladies from the community and I like the philosophy behind the village school.

I took some shots of the school. Everything is clean and kept simple and the surrounding blends in nicely with the natural setting. They have organic farms and children participate in cleaning their living area and compound over weekends.

Above: Library well stocked with story books for the children

Above and below: A treat for the children would be playtime by the river.

The rest of the time was spent in Bangkok and one of the places visited was the Floating Market. I remember it being busier when I last saw it compared to this time round. There aren't as many fruit sellers or ladies cooking on the boats. Was told that alot of the sellers have given up selling from their boats and gone onshore instead. Am wondering if there will be a time where these sellers on boats will be gone totally cuz that would be such a shame!

Above: Fruits being sold on a sampan at the Floating Market

Above: Lots of yummy tropical fruits for my picking

Above: Children of the sellers playing, totally oblivious to what's happening around them.

Didn't do very much shopping for myself but did lug back lots of rose apples and mangoes for my parents. Oh yes, not forgetting the 54 packets of Lobo Tom Yum paste *laughs* Yes, got a bit carried away and took all the packets displayed on the shelf of the supermarket.

Darn, I miss being in Bangkok .....



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