Thursday, January 10, 2008

I left my heart and lots of Euros ... in Italy!

Yes I have been silent for a while considering that I came back from Italy on 26 December but I've been busy catching up with work plus trying to sort out my pictures and getting others from Jas. Also, have been trying to figure out how I am going to put my pictures from Italy on my blog and decided that it's not possible. What I can do is just put the very best of Italy (from my point of view which may differ to yours but that's okay) on this post, and refer you to my flickr page for a few more pictures and if you want to see the whole works, will just have to meet up and then I'll show you them pics with stories to go with the pictures!


Had my first taste of hot chocolate Italian style when we were exploring the neighbourhood where our hotel was at. And what's different was that the hot chocolate was nice and was like eating liquid chocolate and it's super YUMMY! I ended up using the spoon to scoop up the chocolate. That wasn't my last hot chocolate but it was the cheapest that I paid for throughout the trip!

In Rome, we visited the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica. We were there unfortunately only for a few hours and I guess to fully see everything can take a day (or more). I was wowing away at the sculptures, paintings, tapestry...everything. It's truly amazing and a must see at least once in a lifetime! Below is just one of the many rooms that we went in to admire the paintings.

It's hard to choose one thing that's the best in the St Peter's Basilica cuz there's just too many so below is just one of the many. The grandeur of the interior will impress anyone and yes, you do not have to be Catholic or very religious to be amazed by what's in the basilica.

Another must see would be the Colosseum (below). I have seen pictures of it, read stories about the Gladiators, and to finally see's just different. It's HUGE and you can just imagine what went on there in the past and how many people were seated around the colosseum. Another wow!

Opposite the Colosseum was the Roman Forum that had beautiful structures and ruins from the past. What struck me as we walked along the cobbled paths was how they managed to build such structures with the technology that they had back then.

The Capital Building is a memorial that was built to remember the fallen soldiers and sculptures that were found there caught my attention, especially the one below.

And last look of Rome below, by night ..

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Blogger MagTY said...

My dear you just reminded me that I left my heart there in Italy as well :) Your pics brought back my memories some 10 over years ago girl!!!

9:43 pm  
Blogger Me, Myself n I said...

I am pretty sure nothing has changed since you were there *grins* That's the charm of Italy I guess. And got to go back to pick up our hearts and spend even more Euros *laughs*

8:09 pm  

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