Two posts in one!
I'm also quite amazed that my appetite has not been badly affected. Well initially the first two days I didn't feel like eating but that can't be 100% it cuz I did end up munching on snacks. If I had a tub of ice-cream, especially Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Ice-Cream, I would have had no problems polishing the whole pint. Despite my throat being painful, I still manage to down food like today's dinner. I decided to not bother with my Cohen diet cuz am sick and don't need to be on a diet when I'm sick right *laughs*
Home alone and I couldn't order anything in (probably delivery person would faint at the sight of me covered with calamine lotion all over include my face!) and didn't feel like KFC chicken or pizza. So looked at what I had at home and found pasta, can of mushroom soup, had mushrooms, tomatoes and chicken meat. So put it all together and made chicken and mushroom pasta. And it's not too bad. Here's how it looks.
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