Monday, September 15, 2008

First day at work ....

It's my first day at work and I was a lil nervous the night before. Planned to head to bed early so that I wouldn't be too sleepy the next day but it was kinda hard to do when I was tossing around :o)
Got to work alright and didn't get lost thanks to the GPS system. Walking around my new workplace, learning more about the organisation - I had a good feel about the place. I knew my learning curve was going to be super steep and there are going to be many moments where I will be wondering if I am cut out for the job. But what I can only do is learn as much as I can, as fast as I can, and do my very best.
Was feeling a little 'lost' at work until the receptionist brought me a bouquet of sunflowers (my favourite kind of flowers) and it was from my previous workplace. I knew my previous boss arranged for this on behalf of the rest of the staff to wish me Good Luck and I really appreciated that and made me miss my previous workplace even more ...

I am hoping that she is not reading this blog cuz I am preparing a little gift for her. It's one of the ceramic pieces I made that's didn't turn out too badly. It's a candlestick holder and I think it's appropiate because the job that my previous boss is doing requires her to have a clear vision to be able to lead the staff in the right way. And she's really good at what she does and I wished I had more time to work with her. Hope she likes it ....



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